SSDG Application Form


All SSDGs of capacity less than 5kW shall have either single phase or three phase output.
All SSDGs of capacity 5kW and above shall have three phase output only.

Additionally, subject to the requirements of the prevailing scheme, the SSDG capacity shall also be limited to the technically permissible SSDG connection capacity of the distribution transformer feeding the customer. Should there be other SSDGs connected on the same distribution transformer; the total capacity of all these shall be taken into consideration for the acceptance of an SSDG application.

How it works?

The Grid Code describes the technical criteria and requirements for interconnection of Small Scale Distributed Generators (SSDG) with CEB’s low voltage (230/400V) network systems.

The Grid Code describes the technical criteria and requirements for interconnection of Small Scale Distributed Generators (SSDG) with CEB’s low voltage (230/400V) network systems. The Grid Code describes the technical criteria and requirements for interconnection of Small Scale Distributed Generators (SSDG).

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